Conference Programme
WEDNESDAY 11th September, University of Vienna, Helene-Richter-Saal
From 18.30 Opening Reception and welcome address from Dr Dieter Fuchs, Director of the Vienna Centre for Irish Studies.
THURSDAY 12th September, University of Vienna, Helene-Richter-Saal
09.30–10.00 Tea / Coffee
10.00–11.00 ‘all fat, without nerve’: Marriage, Misogyny, and the Joyce Circle
Chair: Ronan Crowley
Paul Fagan (National University of Ireland, Maynooth): We Two Together: James Joyce, Margaret Cousins, and the Feminist Celibacy Movement
Georgina Nugent (University of Vienna): ‘With apologies to Miss Gertrude Stein’: Joyce on Stein
11.00–11.30 Tea / Coffee
11.30–13.00 ‘The latest gossip about “The Crowd”’: Joyce, Djuna Barnes, and Mina Loy
Chair: Katy Mullin
Sophie Oliver (University of Liverpool): Objects of Affection: Mina Loy’s Material Responses to James Joyce
Hannah Roche (University of York): The Hidden Bosom: Djuna Barnes’s Joyce
Daniela Caselli (University of Manchester): Shem-the-Penman and Pen Performer: Joycean ‘great talkers’ in the work Djuna Barnes
13.00–14.30 Lunch
14.30–16.00 Dear Little Wifey: The Women in Joyce’s Familial and Professional Network [DIGITAL PANEL]
Chair: Clare Hutton
Joshua Kotin (Princeton University): Women at Shakespeare and Company
Francesca Mancino (SUNY, The Graduate Centre): Tracing Beach and Joyce’s Partnership through the Archive
Margaret Kelleher (University College Dublin): ‘I hate women who know anything’: The Long Relationship of James Joyce and Mary Colum
FRIDAY 13th September, University of Vienna, Helene-Richter-Saal
09.00–09.30 Tea/ Coffee
09.30–11.00 Mr Nice Joyce / Mr Nasty Joyce
Chair: Georgina Nugent
Lucy McCabe (Trinity College Dublin): Lucia Joyce and visual culture: Entanglement and affinity
Emily Bell (Loughborough University): “the brave woman had manfully helped”: Gendered Labour and Joyce’s Archive
Ronan Crowley (Goethe University Frankfurt): A Library User
11.00–11.30 Tea/ Coffee
11.30–13.00 Silly Novels by Lady Modernists
Chair: Karina Jakubowicz
Beci Carver (University of Exeter): Joyce Going Blind Reading Anita Loos
Annie Williams (Trinity College Dublin): ‘A Post-Joyce World is No Longer Shockable’: Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys, and Dorothy Richardson’s Menstrual Fictions
Karina Jakubowicz (Florida State University): ‘Illiterate and underbred’: Virginia Woolf and James Joyce’s Class Consciousness
13.00–15.00 Lunch
15.00–16.30 Live, Laugh, Lesbians
Chair: Georgina Nugent and Ronan Crowley
Katy Mullin (University of Leeds): ‘I knew no one so easy to talk with’: Joyce’s Lesbian Affinities
Ulrika Maude (University of Bristol/ University of Turku): Reading Deadness: Elizabeth Bowen takes on Joyce
Clare Hutton (Loughborough University): Networks of Association and Intimacy: The Letters and Legacies of Harriet Shaw Weaver and Sylvia Beach
16.30–17.00 Closing remarks (Georgina Nugent and Ronan Crowley)
From 19.00 Conference Dinner: ASPIC, Garnisongasse 10, 1090 Wien.